After catching a night train at 11PM last night, I arrived in Stockholm today at 7AM. Once again the weather is a little colder as I make my way up but it is nothing I have not experieced before. It is funny since in the warmer places all I wore was shorts short sleeve shirts and my open walking sandals while all my long pants and jumpers are stored away in the bottom of my backpack. Now however all my short pants are stored away.
I am staying at the City Backpackers, a hostel which is just a short walk from the station. They have free internet and they even have a sauna! I dont know if I will use the sauna but if it gets real cold maybe I will.
Anyone interested in a game of chess?

Some of the reconstructed houses in Skansen.

The rose garden in Skansen.

The street mall at dusk.

The view from my Viking Line Ferry enroute to Helsinki.

hey greg, so have you decided yet if your flying back to phils straight after your europe tour? I will be fying back to phils on Nov14.
Your trip is finally coming to an end,this year is definately flying by...and like what you said Paris will be asking you "Are you my uncle...?"he he..also i dont know if you knew that Aunty Lyn was pregnant when you left,but she now have a babby girl!!her name is Jennifer Grace.
Well you take care now it wont be long now and we'll all see each otha again...I guess we all miss you.
Yes, I knew Aunty Lyn was pregnant. So wow that´s good she had a girl! Thats amazing. I wonder how they came up with Jenifer Grace? Well send my biggest congratulations to them, Uncle Ven: ) must be so proud! So many things are changing back there and it has only been less than a year that I have gone. But yes I miss everyone as well and I am wondering how big Paris is already. So can she talk now eh?
Well at the end of the month I will fly into Manila and I will see if I can stay there untill everyone goes there. If not I will try to change my flight so I can go home to Australia first.
OK, its rainning here in Stockholm at the moment so I might be staying in the hostel all day. Its good they have free internet!
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