Well today at 4:22pm, Patric and Berna caught the train to the Roma Leornardo International Airport leaving me behind to pend for myself for the rest of the month here in Europa.
I have finally have some sort of itennary which should keep me busy till I leave Europe at the end of the month. My itenary is something like this: Roma to Munchen to Berlin and then to Helsinki! and if I survive the cold in Helsinki, East to Stockholm then down to Copenhagen then to Prague via Berlin. From this point I should somehow find my way to Frankfurt for my flight to Manila.
The journey begins tonight when I catch a night train to Munich. So I am looking forward to the bunk bed accomadation on the train. Apparently its a four bunk bed cabin so it will be interesting who I will be travelling with and see what it is like.
Well, this is for Pat and Berna... I hope you guys had a great and trouble free flight to OZ and I hope that storm brewing near Taiwan did not affect your flight. Also thanks for bringing home all my junk that I no longer need and all the souvenirs that I would not have been able to buy if you guys could not take it home for me... so many thanks for that big big favour. Also I hope you did not go over the weight limit ick...
Well for everyones information it was a treat to have travelled with two fantastic people. For a while I never had to worry about booking a hostel or try to figure out where I was going since Pat and Berna did most of that for me. We had a great time but in the end it seems that they dont have the same stamina as I have since they were happy to be going back home!
See what I mean... they seem to be sleeping all the time when ever and where ever they have the chance! lol.

This is the once lost city of Pompeii. We came here on Pat and Berna´s second last day. It is about a 2hour trip from Rome. The picture above was on our train trip to Pompeii.

Aah..hmm.. well actually Berna caught me here sleepiing as well. : )

Hi Greg
It looks like u r having a nice time travelling around. It is Jag sending this message. Looked at your photos they are fantastic indeed. I got your blogspot on ringing your home. Good to you r experiencing something different in your life. I will keep track of your moves on this website.
Have a nice time. enjoy.
I will catch up with u when u get back.
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