We arrived in Venice on Wednesday afternnoon at about 5 o'clock. Venice is beutiful, with all the picture perfect bridges over her canals and the gondolas floating down them.
Below is St. Marks Square.

How to take a postcard perfect photo - 1. aim camera and 2. press shutter button- every shot is perfect here!

Perfect photos! I agree with you. You are a PRO of taking pictures Greg! I have a cousin here who is majoring in film or photography. I gave her your website. So, she might post a comment to your blog. Don't be surprise. I told her to indroduce herself.
Anyways, How's it been so far? Are you still with your friends travelling or are you by yourself again? You know that Patrick looks like my face in some ways. I don't know. How long more are you gonna stay in Europe?
It's been a while since I have spoken to you. Is the cell still working? Turn it on. I'll try to call. When is the best time to call you?
The WYD, I heard that almost a million people attended. Where is the WYD be held next year? So it's going to be in Australia on '08?
Btw, we just had our family reunion in Irvine, CA. After the party, my parents along with other relatives of my mom travelled to Yellowstone by long drving. They passed the states of Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. You been to these states right? I didn't go with them coz of work. I'm missing a lot travelling. Hopefully someday, I get to travel.
Where is the celebration of Grandma be held? Are you going?
I got a new portable MP3 with video recorder and a big hard drive. Remember the one I showed you in the web? Yup, I got it.
Ok Greg, keep having fun out there somewhere while it last. You don't get to do this very often. Be safe! Talk to you later.
I absolutely love these pics.. When you get back you should share your wisdom on how to catch perfect flawless pics.. =)
But until then, keep safe and enjoy the sunshine, and life.. =)
Hey Andrew,
Yeh its been a while since we've communicated :) Europe is absolutely amazing all thought I am getting use to the sights. I will be with Patric and Berna till the 3rd of September when they go back to Sydney from Rome. From that point, for another month I will be on my own again. I still havn't finalised my plans or rather dont have any concrete plans for what I am going to do. I will be definitely spending some time in Prague and in Copenhagen, Denmark but who knows what I'll end up doing.
By the way I lost my mobile phone. I will give you a call instead, what mob number are you using at the moment? Also when is best to call you?
Anyway yes the next WYD 2008 will be in Sydney so if you dont get to Sydney before then, then you would definitely have to go then.
I think Grandma's 100th Birthday will be in the Phils. Its absolutely amazing eh?
Anyway best regards to your folks and take care for now.
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