From London we Patric, Berna and travelled on the Eurostar to Paris, there we joined the Arch Diocesse of Sydney World Youth Day tour group. There are 5 priest with us and the Bishop of Sydney Bishop Porteouse. There are about 150 Australians and Americans with us on the tour.
In Paris we visited the The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart as well as the church where the incorupptable body of St. Vincent De Paul resides.
From Paris we travelled to Rouen where Joan of Arc was Burnt and we visited the the Cathedral of Our Lady of Rouen. From Rouen we continued on to Lisieux to St. Therese Basillica where we stayed overnight. The next day we continued our pilgrimage to Chatres where the veil worn by the Blessed Virgin Mary when Jesus was crucified on the cross is kept. From Chatres we visited the incoruptable body of St. Bernadette (to whom the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to in Lourdes) in Never.
We are now in Paray Le Monial where one of the WYD Forums is being held. There are 5000 youths here. It is a 4 day Forum which is a preparation to the WYD. We will travel to Cologne,Germany on Monday where we are expected to join 1 million youths from around the world to celebrate the 20th WYD with Pope Benedict the 16th.



Only in Paris - tell me how you can not fall in love in this city!

The Magistic Notre Dame Cathedral.

La Tour de Eiffel.

The Lourve - is there a better place where you can keep the most famous painting (the Mona Lisa) in the world??