Well Christmas is near and the new year is just around the corner. Another year almost gone, but it will be a year that I will never forget. It will be the year that I openned myself up to the world and in return the world has openned up to me.
At the moment my immediate family and a couple of aunties and their families from Australia have come to join me here in the Philippines for a family reunion. However tragedy has struck our family with the death of one of my mother's sister who died of cancer just days ago. So it would be a somewhat sadder Christmas for us. My condolences goes out to my Uncle and my two cousins my autie left behind.
Hopefully some cheer will come our way with the wedding of another one of my cousin on the 28th of December and a string of birthdays and christenings in the new year including my own birthday on the 2nd of January who I will be celebrating together with another cousin!
Well I guess my trip is almost over and before I know it I will be back in sunny Australia all charged up and ready to join the workforce again! I am sure pictures from my trip will make up the screensaver of my work computer to always remind of the year... that I did some travelling.

Spit roast for New Year.

Checking out an 'infant' M16 at a firing range.

Pantabangan Dam.


Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to GREG!
and a Happy New Year to you to,
all the best to you and your family, wish you a great year and may you find a geat job when you return to Oz,
Safe travel to you
Hey Greg,
Steve here, just wanted to see how you are doing. Drop me a line and let me know about your travels when you get the chance.
Merry XMas and a Happy New Year Greg!
Did you hear about Berna and Pat, they are engaged now!
Another surprise is Marvin and Marge are now engaged as well! Marvin proposed to her on the steps of the Sydney Opera House on the morning of Christmas day... what a present! :)
Hope to see you soon mate.
Take Care and God Bless,
Hi Greg,
Well this is probably almost a week late but....
Wish you had a great birthday, and got lots of cool prezzies... =)
Enjoy the rest of your very long holiday ,and a safe trip on your way back to OZ!! =)
CYA laters!!
Cheers! =)
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