We have just arrived in Florence from Venice. It is the 30th of June. Yesterday we spent the whole day in Venice after arriving the night before. Venice is a beutiful city full of alley ways and canals. We visited St. Marks Square and went on a 4o mins gondola ride through the canals.

The guy on the left with the two cans of beer (i think :)) is Brad Barry, our tour guide manager. The two girls beside me is Sandra (on my right) and Jessica, they are sisters from Mexico. The guy on our left is Brett from the US. This is just after our gondola ride.
Today we stopped over in Pisa to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa of course. Its always amazing to see all these things that you ve seen in postcards and tv all your life. And yes I did the cheesy photo shot of me propping up the leaning the tower but I thought it was too cheesy for me to post it but heres a postcard shot anyway.

Its been hectic since joining the contiki tour. It is also very expensive here in Europe. For example it cost me about 10 Euros to do my laundry in Barcelona, which is about $17 Australian. Internet is like around $AU5 for half an hour. Also I havent been able to post pictures since the internet computers dont support USB.
Its definitely worth it though. The sights are absolutely amazing. Paris and Barcelona has been great. Tommorow we go exploring the city of Florence the birthplace of the Renaissance. We will then go to Roma and where we might be able to catch a glimpse of the Pope at a Sunday service.
The contiki tour has been pretty good. Most people here have been drinking every single night since it started! I drink every now and then. Yeh but everyone gets along real well and there are a great mix of personlaties. We also catch up with other contiki tours. We mostly stay in cabins at campsites owned or leased by Contiki. The food has been pretty good and it has a very school camp atmosphere at the food tent.
I liked to go on but im running out of internet time so cheers to everyone cheecking out my blogsite and thanks for being interested in what i have been doing in my travels.
Hey Greg,
Just wanting to say hi and wassup :)
Great to hear that those lonely times are over :) Now you have people from the Contiki tour then Berna and Pat and a few others at WYD, yay! :)
Also, you've inspired my lazy ass to create my own blog hehehe.
Check it out:
Michael Magnaye.
Hey Mike!
Mate now u have a blog you can now go travelling so u can fill it up with pictures! Hope you and Ruth are already making some travel plans: ) cheers mate.
Hey Pat and Berna,
Yes please organise for me to be in the same bus as you guys, after all thats why I wanted to do the WYD tour!
Yeah the countdown will be pretty quick and you'll run out of time to get everything done! but its all good: )
With regards to the tours dont worry about it i'll be your tour guide, everything is walking distance from the town center so we wont need to pay extra for tours.
I'm starting to look for places where we can stay at that is cheap and in a good location. I'll let you guys know in a few days so dont go booking too much accomadations as yet. Also its not hard to book a tour once where there.
Dont forget to pack some insect repellent!!
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