This is the southernmost point of continental America at Key West, Florida. Cuba is 9omiles South from here. ( Excuse the water droplet on the lens- it was sprinkling when this photo was taken).

This is Shun and Mayu from Japan ( a couple of crazy but fun people), along with another Aussie Mike and Peter from Mexico we rented this Chrysler Seberling Convertible for a day. Behind them is the Espanola Complex part of which is the Clayhotel where we are staying. This area was used in the filming of The Specialist.

I was the designated driver offcourse! This was yesterday after we picked up the car, behind me is Miami Beach.
We left Miami Beach at 5 in the morning today to Key West - some 450 or so kilometers away. The Florida Keys if you look in an Atlas are a series of islands at the Eastern bottom of the US and are joined up by bridges. It was an amazing drive! With the top down we cruise over the Keys and connecting bridges with one being 7miles long-it was there where the end of the movie "True Lies" was filmed! I wish I could have taken some photos but we were in a rush getting there since we had to be back by 5:30pm to return the car- reminding you that its a 900kms or so round trip. So we cruised all the way with the top down from 5am in the morning when it was still dark! and we got to Key West at around 9am and just as we reach Key West it just started to pour down with rain! We left Key West at 1pm and made it back to Miami at 5pm. This was my first time to drive in America and what better place and what better car! We all felt rich until we had to return it. As for my driving on the different side of the road- well luckilly I had Shun to tell me to drive on the right hand side of the road on at least 2 occasions! But to my credit I think I handled the 6 lane freeways quite well cruising at 80miles per hour at times when the speed limit is only 65- oOpps:)

Careful Greg about speed limit! You don't want to get caught by the highway patrol especially you are a tourist. That was a very sporty car Greg. Finally, you got the experience to drive in the US land, but the regulations are a bit different for each state. So how many people were with you in the car cruising? Were those Japanese people, an Aussie, and a Mexican were with you? How much was the rental for that Chrysler Convertible? Did you guys split the cost? Did anybody else in your group drive it or just you? How did it feel to drive in the opposite side of the road? I'll let you drive my car too when you get here.
Btw, you said you are staying in FL until Saturday. Where is your next trip? Update me with your schedule. Have you been to Disney World (the happiest place on Earth) in Orlando, FL yet? When you go to different places, do you buy any souvenirs, a postcard? You should have sent me some postcards.
OK Greg, I ask too much questions. I'll see you later cousin. Enjoy, be happy!
Andrew P.
WoW!!!u it was your car!I'm so happy 4 u dat youre out there meeting different people seeing different places and enjoying yourself!i'm honestly jealous but i would not have the courage or the$$$ to do it!Take care
Glenda, what do you mean you wouldn't have the courage to use your money? Are you afraid to spend your money?
Andrew P.
hey Andrew,
It looks like I wont get to your place till the 12th which means I'm only going to be with you guys for 5 days. My next stop is Orlando then New Orleans or Houston then a long 2 nights trip to LA- yikes!!
And Glenda I'll give you a tip- just do it! what ever it is just overcome your fear and things just works out. The car was only US110 + US35 for petrol divide by 5 then its only US30 per person. And yes I got to drive it to and from Key West - thats 4 hours each way so it was a little bit tiring but fun! The best bit was driving early in the morning at around 5am when it was still dark and the air was warm enough that we had the top down all the way. As the sun started to rise and light up the sky the feeling was awesome especially as we drove over the long bridges.
Hi Andrew,(sori greg we hav to communicate thru ur "BLOG")No,what i mean is that I dont hav the guts 2 travel by myself i will probably get lost!plus i dnt hav money to spend anyway!I've got morgage to pay and a wedding to save up for.Maybe u shuld come to Australia next year so you can attend my wedding!!!
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