Well just a quickone to say that I arrived in Ottawa two days ago and yesterday ( we'll this morning-its jsut past midnight now) they had a Victory in Europe 60th Anniversary Cebleration. Ottawa is the CAPITAL of Canada for those that dont know. Anyway as per usual i'll update this entry inthe future wheni have more time.

The Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin.

Convicted criminal... guilty of taking a long holiday...not to be released until he finally decides to go back to work! lol This is actually my hostel room! The hostel is an old Jail House and is where they kept people who were later executed! It is said that this is one of the most haunted building in Canada and strange phenomenons have occured including cabinet draws being mysteriosly pulled out and falling into the ground. It is the only hostel whith its own guided haunted house tour! It was pretty creepy down at the basement at night where I did my laundry.

Where did u get ur haircut???
ninest123 16.02
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