We'll I'm here at the capital of the greatest country in the world. Yesterday when I got here the first thing I tried to find was the White House. Did you know the Canadians set alight the original building and it was then painted white and hence it became the white house? Two Canadians have told me that so it must be true.

So to see the white house was fun. Seeing things that you always see on television is always fun. The Washington Monument and the Capitol Building where all in the same area.
The Lincoln Memorial and the Refelection Pool in front of it- its right there at the top step in the center where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech with thousands of people in front of him. Forrest Gump was even there!

Inside the Lincoln Memorial at night.

The Iowa Jima Memorial.

By the way guys, all the National Museums here in DC are absolutely free! From the Air and Space Museum to the Museum of Natural History.
ninest123 16.02
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