We arrived this afternoon in Brassov from Bucharest. We past through Vlad Dracula the Impalers castle- he was so named for impaling thousands of people on spears- crooks, turkish invaders (he impaled 20,000 turkish prisoners in one week!) and anyone that he thought was a threat to his rule.
The Eastern Europe is great. Not just only because the prices here are reasonable compared to the prices in the rest of Europe but I just feel so relax here for some reason.
Its 10:15 at the moment and i'm here at another internet caffe filled with young Romanians playing computer games, writing emails and mostly chatting online. Brasov is surrounded with lush mountains and the main square is buzzing with restaurants and bars and people enjoying the cool night.
Tommorow we will be going to Cluj, still in Romania.
Cluj was fun city for all of us on the tour. We only had time to explore it by night but we saw much of it on our way there. Cluj has a young student population and this showed at the bar and dance club we went to. The club was up class, you can tell by the cars parked at the front and the many nicely dressed people that go there. But since it is still in the eastern block the drinks were still affordable!
Beutifull Brassov.

Draculas Castle.

Hi Greg,
How are you? Its nice to hear that you're enjoying yourself. Just take care of yourself, there's been a few explosions again in London. When you go back to London minimise or avoid catching public transport. When do you finish your Contiki tour?
We are all good here in Aust. Paris is growing quickly. So you are coming back to Sydney before you go to the Phils? I think you should so you can freshen up a bit.
BTW all your photos are great. Do you use manual or automatic setting?
I'm doing fine over here. Yes it is worrying about the sittuation in London. But we will still need to catch the uderground to the airport since a taxi will cost up to $150, I think if its your time to go then there is nothing u can do about it! : {
Anyway yes I can imagine Paris growing up really quickly. I will be finishing the tour on the 3rd of August. Thanks for the photo compliments, I have been using mainly the program mode so I can adjust the iso setting. I also use the mountain or scenic setting alot. Occasionally I use the manual mode when doing long exposure shots.
Well I guess I'll see you guys back in Oz first before the Phils.
My regard to everyone : )
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