MARIANNE AND BEATE AT DIAMOND HEAD (Straight after skydiving)

YA I'm finally here in Hawaii - Honolulu. I Arrived here at about 9pm Oz time which is 12 in the morning local time. The flight was long but otherwise not as bad as i expected with Air Canada. I'm staying at a place called the Waikiki Beach Side Hostel. Everything is going great so far I'm just waiting for the free breakfast at 9am its 8:45 now. As for what my plan is for today i think i'll check out the tours the hostel runs and just to basically relax and familiarise myself with Hawaii. As soon as i get a card reader i'll start uploading some pics! Its awesome here and i guess 10 days here will be just perfect!
Well my name is Greg Paraan and yeh this is my first posting. I heard about "blogging" from a work mate...Julian. His brother is travelling around the world and uses this service to let his family and friends know what his been up to. I thought this is a terrific idea so i started one before I go on my own trip. Hence the name - "TravellingGreg". Hopefully as I travell through the US and Europe i'll be able to update my blog to let you guys know what I have been up to through words and pictures.